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时间: 来源:www.86027.cn


The native's father would have a brother and a sister. The native would have an elder brother. The native would be of medium fairness and build.


The native would inherit much property. He would progress well in his life.


During the early 7 years of his life, his mother would fall ill. There would be the birth of a sister.


Between his 7th and 12th year, there would be tours of pilgrimage. There would be much income and some enmities. There would be the birth of a brother and both the native and his brother would fare well. The native would fall ill. His sister would die.


Between his 12th and 15th year, his brother would fall seriously ill. His elder brother would have a bad period.在他12-15岁期间,他的弟弟会病重,他的哥哥也会经历一段艰难的时光。

Between his I5th and 22nd year his uncle (maternal) would be prosper­ous. His elder brother would get married. This will be a trying period forhisparents. A house would be acquired.在他15-22岁期间,他的舅舅将会变得繁荣而富有,他的哥哥将会结婚,对他的父母而言这将是一段艰难的日子,他们将会拥有一所房子。

Betweenhis 22nd and 26th year, there would be some pilgrimages made. The native wouldget married. The mother would expire.在他22-26岁期间,他会有一些朝圣之行,命主将会结婚,他的母亲将会去世。

Betweenhis 26th and 31st year, the native's wealth would increase. His father would die. The native's step brother would get the property divided and liveseparately.在他26-31岁期间,命主的财富将会增长。他的父亲将会去世。命主的弟弟会分得财产,并且他们将分居。

Between his 31st and 38thyear the native would beget a son and a daughter.在他31-38岁期间,命主将会得到一个儿子和女儿。

Betweenhis 38th and 42nd year, the native would fell ill and some enmities would crop up. There would be a good time for income and finances. 在他38岁-42岁期间,命主将会生病并且一些敌人将会强大起来。这段时间对于收入和经济来说是一个好的时间段。

Betweenhis 42nd and 47th year,the native would fall seriously ill. His wife would die. The native's son would getmarried. His step-brother's wife would die.在他42-47岁期间,命主将会病重,他的妻子将会死亡,命主的儿子将会结婚,他的弟弟将会死亡。

Between his 47th and 53rd year, the native would fall seriously ill. Hiswife would die. His brother would die, A son would be born and the child would die.在他47-53岁期间,命主将会重病,他的妻子将会死亡。他的兄弟将会死亡。一个儿子将会出生,并且这个孩子将会死亡。

Between his 53rd and 58th year, there would be much happiness. His son would contributeto the prosperity of the family. His daughter would be married.在他53到58岁期间,这期间将会有很多快乐。他的儿子将为家庭的繁荣做出贡献,光耀门楣。他的女儿将会结婚。

Betweenhis 58th and 64th year, there would be heavy expenditure. Between his 64th and67th year the native's son would prosper well and give happiness to his father.All sort of luxuries would become available.在他58-64岁期间,命主将有大量的开支,在64-67岁期间,命主的儿子将会非常顺利发展,并且给他的父亲带来喜乐。这时候有能力购买各种奢侈品。



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