水 - Water
Brooke: from the English “brook”/从英语单词 “小溪”来
Dylan: “the sea”/海洋
Isla: meaning “rocky place,” this name was coined from the Scottish island Islay/意思是 “有很多岩石的地方”,这个名字来自于苏格兰小岛 Islay
Jordan: derived from the River Jordan, whose name is derived from a Hebrew word meaning “flowing down”/来源于约旦河,本来是希伯来单词,意思是 “流下来”
Kendall: “valley of the river Kent”/肯特河的山谷
Lindsay: from an Old English toponym meaning “Lindum isle,” this name is also associated with the surname “Lincoln,” meaning “lake settlement”/来自古英语地名,意为“林敦岛”,这个名字也与姓氏“林肯”有关,意为“湖泊定居点”
Morgan: among this name's meanings is”sea circle,” from the Old Welsh name “Morcant”/这个名字的含义之一是“海圈”,来自古威尔士名字“Morcant”。
Brooks: from the English “brook”/从英语单词 “小溪”来
Fisher: one who fishes/渔夫
Dylan: “the sea/海洋
Jordan: derived from the River Jordan, whose name is derived from a Hebrew word meaning “flowing down”/来源于约旦河,本来是希伯来单词,意思是 “流下来”
Kendall: “valley of the river Kent”/肯特河的山谷
Morgan: among this name's meanings is”sea circle,” from the Old Welsh name “Morcant”/这个名字的含义之一是“海圈”,来自古威尔士名字“Morcant”。
土 - Earth
Amber: from the fossilized tree resin, often found underground/从化石树的树脂中来,经常发现地下。
Gaia: in Greek mythology, the Earth personified as a goddess/在希腊神话中,土地被形象化为女神。
Jade: from, uh, “jade”/从英语单词 “玉”发源而来
Gemma: “gem, jewel, precious stone”/ “珍宝、宝石、珍贵的石头”
Margaret: originally from the Hebrew word for “pearl”/从希伯来单词 “珍珠”
Megan: derived from Margaret, meaning “pearl”/从Margaret发源而来,希伯来单词 “珍珠”
Savannah: from “savanna,” a mixed woodland grassland ecosystem found in places such as Australia and Africa/从单词“稀树草原”来,这是一种混合的林地草原生态系统,在澳大利亚和非洲等地发现。
Terra: the name of the Roman earth goddess, equivalent to the Greek Gaia/罗马土地女神的名字,相当于希腊的 Gaia。
Bryn: from the Welsh for “hill”/威尔士语 “山丘”
Clay: self-explanatory - from the English word “clay”/从英文单词 “粘土”
Jasper: meaning...wait for it...“jasper”/从英文单词 “碧玉,矿石”
Mason: from the profession/职业名
Pierce: from the Welsh for “rock”/威尔士语 “岩石”
火 - Fire
Clara: from the Late Latinate adjective “clarus,” meaning “bright, famous.”/
Elaine: derived from the name Helen, its Greek origins link it to the words for “sun,” “ray of light,” and “fire torch”/从Helen发源而来,本身来自希腊,与“太阳”、“光线”和“火炬”等词联系在一起。
Helen: like Elaine, this name is taken from Greek and means “sun,” “ray of light,” and “fire torch”/像 Elaine,这个名字来自于希腊语,意思是“太阳”、“光线”和“火炬”
Lucy: meaning “light.”意思是 “光”
Chandler: from the occupational surname, meaning “candlemaker”/从职业名的姓氏来,意思是 “做蜡烛的人”
Flynn: means “reddish,” “ruddy”/“红”,“红色”
Russell: “little red one”/小的红色的
金 - Metal
Ariana: Feminine form of Albanian Arian, meaning "golden life."/Albanian Arian的女性形式,意思是“金色生命”。
Arlinda: Feminine form of Albanian Arlind, meaning "gold."/Albanian Arlind的女性形式,意思是 “金色”
Chryssa: English pet form of Latin Chrysanta, meaning "golden flower."/英语的拉丁语形式昵称,意思是“金花”。
Taylor: from the profession, tailor ( which uses metal tools)/来自于职业,裁缝
Vanna: one of this name's origins - as a Cambodian Khmer unisex name meaning "golden."/这个名字的起源——作为Cambodian Khmer 男女皆用的名字,意思是“黄金”。
Altan: Mongolian name meaning “gold.”/蒙古语意思是 “金”
Orville: English literary name created by Fanny Burney, author of the 1778 novel Evelina, probably intended to mean "golden city."/1778年小说《伊芙琳娜》的作者范妮·伯尼创作的英国文学名,意为“金色城市”。
Taylor: from the profession, tailor ( which uses metal tools)/来自于职业,裁缝
木 - Wood
Ashley: “clearing among ash trees”/灰树
Chloe: ultimately derived from the Greek “khlóē,” meaning “small (young) green shoot of a plant.”/从希腊语 “khlóē”发源来,意思是 “小的植物的嫩芽”
Daphne: Laurel, victory/桂花树,胜利
Laurel: from the tree of the same name/桂花树
Hayes: either derived from the Old English word “hege” meaning “hedge” or “haes” meaning “brushwood” which described a topographical feature prominent to the area./来源于古英语单词“hege”,意思是“树篱”,或者来源于“haes”,意思是“灌木”,它描述了该地区突出的地形特征。
Heath: “from the heathland” (A heath is essentially an area of open land, uncultivated and infertile, often covered with rough bushes or the heather plant.)/“来自荒原”(荒原实质上是一片开阔的土地,未开垦,贫瘠,常被粗糙的灌木或石南植物覆盖)。
Keith: a Scottish name that comes from a place name from the Gaelic word “ceiteach,” which means "wood, forest." or the Welsh Brythonic (Celtic) word “cet,” also meaning "wood."/一个苏格兰名字,来自盖尔语单词“ceiteach”的地名,意思是“木头,森林”,或者威尔士布莱顿语单词“cet”,也意味着“木头”。
Sawyer: originated as a surname from an occupational name in England, meaning “one who saws wood.”/起源于英国的一个职业名称,意思是“锯木的人”。