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时间: 来源:www.86027.cn



Today we've got an upper intermediate lesson tallking about another one in the zodiac series.

We must be almost done.

Today they are going to talk about Pisces:

Let's go ahead and listen to the entire clip.

Pisces is the "old soul"老成的 of the zodiac: As the final sign it is said to have experienced the energy of every other sign before it.

old soul doesn't means you are old. it is not saying you are old in years. it just means your soul or your mind, or your spirit. it's just a little bit older than, you know, other people your age.

sometimes people would even say an old soul is wise beyone their years.

Pisces are sensitive and intuitive(直觉敏锐的), and can become easily overloaded by crowds or overstimulating environments.

intuitive means that you kind of, it kind of has to do with like a sixth sense, or gut feeling.

over-- means too much

overload just kind of means like there's too much of a load, like for example, it's too heavy on an elevator.

overbearing(专横的) parents or in-law here is

It's often hard to pin them down(琢磨透), since they're so keen on swimming away to a place where they can experience some downtime (放松时间) and R&R.

keen on--means that you're pretty like to do something.

you can also descirebe your eyesight or mindset as keen.

it always means like sharp.

keen on sb.

it means that you have a crush on sb.

you keenly aware of something, then you know it absolutely.

They may gain a reputation as flaky (不靠谱的,不可靠的) due to the way they swim in and out of your life.

a flake can be someone who often cancelled at the last minute or they don't keep their promises, but you can also flake in term of the verb.

flake on/ flake out on/flake

flaky can be used to describe someone who's not very solid in terms of them not being very reliable.

Pisces make charming and magic friends, especially because they view life through rose-colored glasses. (romantic)

At their best, Pisces are attentive and inspiring. Compassionate (慈悲的,富于同情心的) and empathetic, they absorb and reflect the feelings of everyone they come into contact with.

compassionate can be used to talk about you know, your feelings toward your fellow human beings.

However, they can be gullible, self-pitying, out of touch with reality, addictive, clingy and self destructive.


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