啃BPHS之余,一起夯实占星基础啊~希望能遇到也在学习研究的你,分享你们的感悟和案例给我哈,那将是无上的荣耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~
首先说明,这是印度占星的Nakshatras星宿系列哈~终于挖了Nakshatras星宿系列的坑啦~相信大家已经看过印占资料分享 - 月亮基础Moon,对月亮这颗星体有了一个初步的认识,里面也提到了在神话故事中,月亮神Soma有27个老婆,也就是27个星宿(Nakshatras)~27星宿是我自己最想了解的part之一啦,希望一次性能看个够的辣种感觉,所以准备整合好几本书,害!人家北交点在第一宫嘛,还合了木星,没有办法控制我自己,对于知识总是喜欢囫囵吞枣~好了,回归正题吧,简单介绍一下内容构成:
PartⅠ. Komilla的Essentials of Vedic Astrology,介绍符号、守护神以及守护星。
Part Ⅱ. Robert的Light on Life,基础介绍外,还有对应身体部位,以及对应职业、人事物、地点。
Part Ⅲ. Vic的27 Stars, 27 Gods,主要介绍对应的守护神,讲述相关守护神的神话故事。
Part Ⅳ. Komilla的The Nakshatras,非常详细的讲解,几乎是前三个part加在一起的长度,非常适合加深理解哈。以及更加细节的比如上升和星体在此星宿,还有对应4个pada。
Part Ⅴ.附上我整理的思维导图,供大家参考(特别是事业方向的部分,希望给迷茫的小伙伴一些指引和方向~比心~)

- Part Ⅰ -
The symbol is a fish
The ruling deity is Pushan
Revati is ruled by Mercury
Revati links the beginning with the end; Rev means to go, move, and Ati to go beyond, transcend.Together they mean transcending from one manifestation to another. Both the Solar and Lunar zodiac end here with the last nakshatra.Having an ascendant or the Moon placed in Revati indicates a soul who has to experience a very intense incarnation in this life. Events happen which are directly linked to the destiny of the soul in ending one cycle of manifestation and preparing for a new one; it is where the seeds are sown for fruition at a later date. Revati is ruled by the celestial messenger, Mercury, and its ruling deity is Pushan, which is another name for the Sun.The Sun nourishes the earth and as Pushan he also measures the skies, which means that he is privy to the ultimate truths. Being the last nakshatra of the zodiac, Revati is powerful in realising the ultimate truths about us; life, death, transformation,change - all come under the premise of this fixed star.
Revati将开始与结束联系起来; Rev的意思是去,移动,Ati的意思是超越,超过。它们一起意味着从一种显化到另一种显化的超越。Revati是最后的nakshatra,太阳和月亮的黄道十二宫在这里结束。上升或月亮在Revati表明灵魂必须经历一个非常激烈的化身在这一生。在结束一个显化周期并准备一个新的显化周期时,与灵魂命运直接相关的事件发生了;它是种子播种的地方,为以后的果实埋下种子。Revati由天神信使水星统治,其统治神是Pushan,这是太阳的另一个名字。太阳滋养着大地,作为Pushan他也测量着天空,这意味着他知道终极真理。作为黄道的最后一个nakshatra, Revati在实现关于我们的终极真理方面是强大的; 生命,死亡,转变,改变 - 所有都在这颗固定的恒星的前提下。
Venus is exalted in the last part of Revati.It symbolises sex and procreation, and Venus being at its most powerful here means that life is not all about endings.A seed is sown at this juncture for future growth.
The symbol of the fish is auspicious because it represents procreation and creativity.
- Part Ⅱ -
Varahamihira: The Moon in Revati givesperfect limbs, genial manners, deep learning, riches, and no desire to covet the property of others.
Varahamihira: 月亮在Revati拥有完美的四肢、亲切的举止、深刻的学识、财富和不觊觎他人财产的欲望。
Note:Varahamihira, also called Varaha or Mihira, (born 505, Ujjain, India—died 587, Ujjain), Indian philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician, author of the Pancha-siddhantika (“Five Treatises”), a compendium of Greek, Egyptian, Roman, and Indian astronomy.
Varahamihira,也叫Varaha或Mihira,(505年出生于印度乌贾因 - 587年去世于乌贾因),印度哲学家,天文学家和数学家,Pancha-siddhantika(“五篇论述”)的作者,希腊,埃及,罗马和印度天文学的概要。
General Indications: Revati's symbol is a drum used to mark time, and its deity is Pushan, who is responsible for nurturance and for safe travel.
Like the drum, Revati rules all sorts of increments, including time. Sometimes activities influenced by this nakshatra develop by leaps and bounds with considerable fanfare and noise. Anything to do with roads is related to Revati, as areprotection, shelter and hospitality while traveling. Lagna or Moon here often indicates a person who is a good host and a dependable and responsible friend, who may be a socialite because of her or his love of society.
Pushan, who is also associated with finding lost creatures and articles, is the keeper of the cows of the gods, and his nurturing signifies breeding and foster-care. When on one occasion a student announced that a certain woman's horoscope had the Moon placed in the fourth house in Revati, our Jyotish guru (or his ishta devata) immediately and emphatically announced, 'Then she must have two mothers!' She did – her natural mother and a stepmother. Note the convergence of factors: the fourth house and the Moon, which both rule the mother, were both in the dual rashi of Pisces and in the nakshatra of Revati! Other influences enhanced this effect, including a serious affliction of the Moon by Saturn. Revati is frequently associated with pediatric diseases.
Pushan,也与寻找失落的生物和物品有关,是神的牛的看守人,他的养育意味着繁殖和寄养。有一次,当一个学生告知某个女人的星盘月亮在第四宫Revati,我们的Jyotish导师(或他的ishta devata)立即强调地宣布:“那么她一定有两个母亲!”没错,她有生母和继母。注意因素的聚合:第四宫和月亮,都代表母亲,都在双鱼座的双重星座和Revati!其他的影响增强了这种效果,包括土星对月亮的严重折磨。Revati常与儿科疾病有关。
Physiology & Diseases: The abdomen and groin; the ankles.
生理与疾病: 腹部和腹股沟;脚踝。
Professions, People & Places: Anyone or anything dealing with time: clocks and watches, calendar makers, etc. People having work to do with roads: planners, travelers, maintenance crews, etc. Foster-parents, siblings, and other such relations.
职业、人物和地点: 任何与时间有关的人或物:钟表、日历制作者等。与道路有关的人:规划者、旅行者、维修人员等。养父母、兄弟姐妹及其他此类关系。
- Part Ⅲ -

The word revatī, a form of the rootṛd, means:“She who increases prosperity, success, fortune, wealth, and abundance.”Revatī is also the name of Śrī Balarāma’s wife.Balarāmais an avatāra ofViṣṇuwho plays the role ofKṛṣṇa’s elder brother.
Pūṣan is the deity of this nakṣatra. A synonym of revatī, the word pūṣan means: “One who nourishes, bringing growth and abundance.”
Pūṣan is one of the most important Vedic gods, whose role became much less significant as Indian religion moved away from ritual materialism towards philosophy and spirituality.
- Prosperous
- 繁荣的
Pūṣan tends domestic animals, the agrarian equivalent of money. Ṛg (6.55.2) therefore describes Pūṣan as being fantastically wealthy. Ṛg (6.55.4) describes him driving herds of goats. Ṛg (6.53.9) describes him herding cows who produce bliss and prosperity. Ṛg (6.54.5) describes him protecting domestic animals like cows and horses.
Revatī inspires human beings to attain prosperity and wealth.
- Gentle & Loving
- 温柔 & 有爱
Protection of animals inspires gentility and compassion. Not surprisingly, then, Ṛg (6.56.1-2) says that Pūṣan enjoys vegetarian foods as much as Indra enjoys drinking soma. He is especially fond of a milk-curd and rice-meal mixture. From his vegetarian preference, we can understand that he is a gentle and kind deity. Indeed he is described as having “no teeth” (no “bite.”).
Ṛg (6.57.5) describes Pūṣan as being “generous with affection.”
Revatī inspires love, kindness, gentility and non-violence. It is therefore a prosperous influence on marriage and other loving relationships.
Regarding how Pūṣan lost his teeth: According to Taittiriya Samhita, Pūṣan was in attendance at a ceremonial sacrifice to which Rudra was uninvited. Insulted, Rudra shot an arrow into the sacrificial offering just as Pūṣan was biting down on it.
关于Pūṣan是如何掉牙的:根据Taittiriya Samhita的说法,Pūṣan参加了一个仪式献祭,而Rudra没有被邀请。Rudra受了侮辱,就在Pūṣan咬住祭品时,他向祭品中射了一箭。
Bhāgavata Purāṇa (4.5) gives different details. It says the person holding the ceremony was Dakṣa, the father of Śiva’s wife, a woman who had just committed suicide in contempt for her father’s harsh insults of her husband. Śiva and his forces stormed the sacrifice, destroying everything.
Bhāgavata Purāṇa(4.5)给出了不同的细节。据说举行仪式的人是Dakṣa, Śiva妻子的父亲,Śiva妻子刚刚自杀,因为轻视她父亲对她丈夫的严厉侮辱。Śiva和他的军队冲进献祭的地方,毁坏一切。
They cut off Dakṣa’s head and also punished other people who were implicated in the insults towards Śiva. Pūṣan’s teeth were kicked out because he showed a sympathetic smile while Dakṣa insulted Śiva.
Thus Rudra’s Ārdrā and Pūṣan’s Revatī are incompatible and quite different in nature.
- Generous
- 慷慨的
In Ṛg (6.53), the second verse describes Pusan’s blessings as “liberal and free-handed.” The third says that Pūṣan makes even the stingy become generous, and even the hard-hearted become compassionate. The fifth through eighth verses say that Pūṣan’s awl (an agrarian tool that can double as a spear or knife) destroys the hearts of those who are greedy and avaricious, and inclines even them to devotion and love.
Revatī inspires generosity, compassion and devotion.
- A Guide
- 一名向导
Pūṣan protects animals and humans from getting lost and falling to harm. In Ṛg (6.54) the first and second verses say that he sends guides to point out our objectives and show us the surest and straightest paths to them.
The tenth verse says that Pūṣan blesses us to find whatever we have lost.
Revatī inspires skill in finding lost items, and finding our way without becoming lost. It also inspires humanity to find trustworthy practical, moral, and spiritual guides, “gurus.”
Pūṣan is also sometimes addressed in a role similar to the Pitṛ: helping the deceased soul find its way to the next destination.
- Pūṣan and Viṣṇu
- Pūṣan和毗湿奴
Like Viṣṇu, Pūṣan is on occasion referred to as Indra’s supporter and brother. Pūṣan’s qualities of gentility, devotion, guidance and goodness are very consistent with the qualities possessed by Viṣṇu. Some conjecture that Pūṣan may be an early or alternate vision of Viṣṇu; or, put another way, that the later conception of Viṣṇu incorporated the earlier conception of Pūṣan. The similarity between the two, and the association of the Viṣṇu-avatāra Balarāma with goddess Revatī, sometimes generates a misconception that Viṣṇu is the deity of Revatī. The Vedāṁga Jyotiṣa, however, is explicit: Viṣṇu is the god of Śravaṇa, and Pūṣan the god of Revatī.
就像毗湿奴一样,Pūṣan有时被称为因陀罗的支持者和兄弟。Pūṣan的温文尔雅、奉献、引导和善良的品质与毗湿奴所拥有的品质非常一致。有人猜测,Pūṣan可能是毗湿奴的早期或替代形象;或者换句话说,后来的毗湿奴概念与早期的Pūṣan概念相结合。两者之间的相似性,以及毗湿奴化身Balarāma与女神Revatī的联系,有时会产生一种误解,认为毗湿奴是Revatī的神。然而,Vedāṁga Jyotiṣa是明确的:毗湿奴是Śravaṇa的神,Pūṣan是Revatī的神。
Nonetheless, due to the similarity of character in Pūṣan and Viṣṇu, Revatī has an effect very similar to the effect she would have if Viṣṇu were her deity.
- The Drum
- 鼓
There is also a link between Dhaniṣṭhā and Revatī, since they both share the same symbol: a drum.Both nakṣatra allow fortune to manifest – providing the background “beat matrix” upon which the “melodious decorations of life” can exist.
Revatī indicates fortune, and a good sense of rhythm.
- Part Ⅳ -
16°40′ to 30°00′ Pisces
Padas: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Ruled by Mercury
Devata: Pushan
Symbol: The Fish
Yoni: Elephant
Motivation: Moksha
Guna Triplicity:Sattva, Sattva and Sattva
Ayurvedic Dosha:Kapha
Body Part: Ankles
Gana: Divine
Caste: Shudra
Quality: Soft
Colours: Brown
Best Direction: East
Special Sounds: De, Do, Chaa, Chee
The Principal Stars: Batn-Al-Hut
Other Names for Revati: Pushan, Antya
Revati means abundant or wealthy. Revati’s wealth is both spiritual and material wealth asthe crops were usually harvested at the time when the Sun is in Revati nakshatra so the ancient sages felt the beneficence of Revati.
Revati的意思是丰富或富有。Revati的财富既是精神财富也是物质财富,因为作物通常是在太阳在Revati nakshatra的时候收获的,所以古代圣贤感受到Revati的恩惠。
It is in Revati where you sow the seed for fruition at a later date. Being the last nakshatra of the zodiac, Revati is powerful in realising the ultimate truths about ourselves, life, death, transformation and change. The experience of Revati changes our way of thinking towards a higher, deeper prospective. She provides nourishment to the soul while it struggles with the great implications of finding itself. Once we find the seed of creation within us, the divine, life cannot remain the same. We create major changes and transformations as this seed will grow into another future.
Not everyone is meant to be so highly spiritual. The average Revati individual aspires for the ideal, yet they remain stuck their everyday lives. They feel let down by society and the world as it fails to live up to their ideal.
Devata – Pushan
守护神 - Pushan
Its ruling deity isPushan, an Aditya, which is one of the 12 forms of the Sun. Pushan is connected to the divisions of the solar year (varsha) into two parts or ayanas: Uttara ayana and Dakshin ayana. Pushan rules this auspicious time for death and rebirth of the Sun. At the dawn of the New Year the Sun dies and then is reborn. Its rulership of Revati is the connection to dawn, between night and day, death and rebirth. Revati represents that time of utter stillness that carries within it a promise of light and beginning of new dawn.
它的守护神是Pushan,阿迭多,是太阳的12种形式之一。Pushan与太阳年(varsha)的划分相连,分为两个部分或ayana:Uttara ayana和Dakshin ayana。Pushan规定这是太阳死亡和重生的吉祥时间。在新年的黎明,太阳死去,然后重生。它对Revati的统治是黎明、黑夜与白天、死亡与重生的连接。Revati代表了完全静止的时间,它承载着光明的承诺和新的黎明的开始。
Pushan guides both the living and the dead. He is the guardian of the transition stages of man. He helps people reach their right destination without fear or worry. This can be just a direction in life or the higher direction where the soul transits from one realm to another. Pushan represents the semen, an indication of the seed of creation. He connects to the marriage ceremony. This is where two souls are joined together and the merging of their beings can create another being, another soul. In vedic thought when couples marry, they are no longer two but become one – a divine union.
Planetary Ruler – Mercury
行星守护星 - 水星
According to the vedic myths, Mercury is the son of the Moon. The Moon is the mind and Mercury is the rational, practical conscious mind but it is still a fragment of total consciousness. What Mercury perceives as reality is only a small part of the ultimate reality. Mercury nakshatras rule the ending of the nakshatra cycles, where the change of individual consciousness takes place by understanding and going beyond the limitations of intellect.Revati ends a major cycle of life where the consciousness meets the intellect to form new realities for the future.
Mina Rashi
Revati is entirely in Mina Pisces which is a highly spiritual sign. In Revati, it is the end of a cycle, but within this ending there is a new beginning. Something is conceived in Pisces, to be born into a new cycle in Aries. Time moves on a different pacefor Revati Pisces. The fish is finally emerged in spirituality and higher consciousness. This is where they are the happiest. Intuitive wisdom and deep knowledge are the Pisces inheritance, so practical issues are not their forte.
Symbol – The Fish
符号 - 鱼
Vishnu, one of the holy trinity of the vedic gods, appeared in the form of a fish. He is known as Matsya Avatar or the fish god. Brahma chanted the four Vedas in yoga nidra (sleep with awareness, typical to yogis). Hayagriva, a demon, heard the vedic chants and memorized them, though he did not understand their meaning. Hayagriva was a horse-faced demon and he took the four Vedas into the ocean. Vishnu took his first incarnation as Matsya avatar in order to save the Vedas from falling into the wrong hands and he rescued them by defeating Hayagriva. Read about Hayagriva’s more divine form in Shatabhishak. Revati people are concerned about vedic knowledge and will do anything to protect it.
毗湿奴,吠陀三位一体神之一,以鱼的形式出现。他被称为Matsya Avatar或鱼神。梵天在瑜伽nidra(觉知睡眠,典型的瑜伽修行者)中吟诵四部吠陀经。Hayagriva,一个恶魔,听到吠陀圣歌并记住了它们,尽管他不明白它们的含义。Hayagriva是一个马脸的恶魔,他把四部吠陀经带进了大海。毗湿奴第一次化身为Matsya化身,以拯救吠陀经不落入坏人之手,他通过击败Hayagriva拯救了它们。在Shatabhishak中阅读关于Hayagriva更神圣的形式。Revati人关心吠陀知识,愿意做任何事来保护它。
The fish has another important symbolism. It can only live in water; therefore Revati can only find true happiness when it immerses its soul with the ocean of spirituality.
Puranic Myth – Revati and Balarama
Puranic神话- Revati和Balarama
Revati was the only daughter of King Kakudmi, a powerful monarch who ruled Kusasthali, a prosperous and advanced kingdom under the sea, and who owned large tracts of land. Feeling that no human could prove to be good enough to marry his daughter, King Kakudmi took Revati with him to Brahma-loka (the plane of existence where Lord Brahma resides) to ask his advice about finding a suitable husband for Revati.
When they arrived, Lord Brahma was listening to a musical performance by the Gandharvas, so they waited patiently until the performance was finished. Then, Kakudmi made his request and presented his shortlist of candidates. Lord Brahma laughed and explained that time runs differently on different planes of existence and that during the short time they had waited in Brahma-loka to see him, 27 catur-yugashad passed on Earth.
Lord Brahma said that all those you have chosen have already died and so have many generations of their descendants. Now, Kali Yuga is about to come and Kakudmi must find Revati another husband. He told the king not to be alarmed as Lord Vishnu was incarnate on earth as Krishna and his elder brother Balarama, the incarnation of Adi Shesha. Balarama would make the ideal husband for Revati.
梵天说,你所拣选的人都已经死了,他们的后代也已经死了好几代了。现在,Kali Yuga即将到来,Kakudmi必须为Revati找到另一个丈夫。他告诉国王不要惊慌,因为毗湿奴在地球上化身为黑天和他的哥哥大力罗摩,Adi Shesha的化身。大力罗摩会成为Revati理想的丈夫。(可参考大力罗摩(Balarama)以及舍沙(Shesha)的故事,以及其中的视频了解更多~)
They found Balarama and proposed the marriage. Because she was from an earlier age, Revati was far taller and larger than her husband-to-be, but Balarama, tapped his plough on her head and she shrunk to the normal height of people in that Yugas.
This myth links Revati to time travel and the relativity of time – how it means different things to different people. Godly time is different to human time and as they develop they can move in differing time dimensions and this can sometimes make it difficult to settle in the world they are in.
Revati Aim for Moksha
Moksha or the need for self-realisation becomes intense for Revati people, who want to merge into the infinite and become one with its source. They want to let go of the individual ego and become mukta, or the person who has realised the highest truths while living on earth.
The Revati spiritual path is sacrifice. To give up what you desire for the good of others. Revati does that through service to humanity, working, doing jobs that get no appreciation. Vedic philosophy teaches that all should make their life one of sacrifice. It is a difficult path to follow for others which Revati makes its own.
Sacred Animal – Flying Elephants
Revati’s animal is an elephant. Elephants originally had wings and could fly. One elephant was tired of flying around, and rested on a tree. The tree was not strong enough to take his weight so he fell. Unbeknown to him, sage Dhirgatamas was meditating under the tree and the elephant’s fall broke the sage’s meditation. In anger, he cursed all the elephants that in future they will only walk on earth. Revati’s connection is with the flying elephants before they got cursed, Revati has that ability to fly high and for it to live on earth appears like a curse. It further stresses Revati’s ability to live in differing dimensions – in the air as well as on earth.
Ayurvedic Dosha is Kapha
Kapha people arephilosophical, calm and contented. They will work calmly through the greatest of stresses. Revati’s being Kapha shows the further harmony with its greater indication. Revati people will stay calm in crises.
Lagna and Planets
People with planets in Revati are idealistic and want to nourish others and to create something powerful. They can feel their life is full of disappointments, as they are extremely idealistic. They can live in a different reality from the rest of us and this makes them hard to understand. The end of Revati is the final gandantaand all planets placed there can suffer.
People with thelagna here will be idealistic, creative and very spiritual. They can be misunderstood as more materially-based individuals question their motivation and do not understand the true under-pinning of this highly developed soul. These souls do not have many material skills so they can make mistakes regarding money and finances. The position of Mercury and Jupiter has to be taken into account.
The Sun feels the change in its energy. It is nurturing and creative, but the creativity is not expressed outwardly. These people can be idealistic, wanting to create a world of their own. Their talents can go unrecognized unless they make sure to pass their knowledge and wisdom onto others.
The Moon is highly spiritual and idealistic. These people are totally immersed in their spirituality and so can also lose the skills of the material world. They can be full of insecurities and their inner storms make them feel troubled. They can feel disappointed with life as others do not match up to their ideals. They will try to be excellent in whatever they do, but unless their aim is spiritual, they may feel a failure. The first dasha of Mercury can be quite good unless the person is born at the end of Revati on a gandanta point, in which case it indicates major changes right from birth. With the start of Ketu dasha immediately after birth, the insecurities of Revati can be quite pronounced.
月亮是高度精神和理想主义的星座。这些人完全沉浸在他们的灵性中,因此也会失去物质世界的技能。他们可能充满不安全感,内心的风暴让他们感到困扰。他们会对生活感到失望,因为别人没有达到他们的理想。无论他们做什么,他们都会努力做到优秀,但除非他们的目标是精神上的,否则他们可能会感到失败。水星的第一个dasha可以很好,除非这个人出生在Revati的末尾,在这种情况下,它预示着出生后的重大变化。随着Ketu dasha在出生后立即开始,Revati的不安全感可以相当明显。
Mars is the spiritual warrior. He will be interested in keeping the flame alive but there can be turbulence. These people will not worry if their brand of spiritualism is acceptable to others or not.
Mercury is in its own nakshatra and has passed the degree of its debilitation, so the intellect works very differently in Revati than it does in Uttara Bhadra. Revati allows the mind to expand its horizons. These people are never good at material things, so they have to train themselves to be practical. But if you are looking for a profound thinker, then they are the ones to find. Their thinking knows no restrictions, they know no boundaries, and can therefore be great ideas people, thinkers and writers.
水星正处于它自己的nakshatra中,已经度过了衰弱的阶段,所以在Revati中,智力的工作方式与在Uttara Bhadra中非常不同。Revati允许思想扩展它的视野。这些人从来不擅长物质,所以他们必须训练自己实际。但如果你在寻找一个深刻的思想家,那么他们就是你要找的人。他们的思想没有限制,没有界限,因此可以成为伟大的思想家和作家。
Jupiter can be both strong and weak here. This wisdom has to be used to build something good for the future. These people have strong links to spirituality, creativity and nourishment. The soul needs to be nourished. Future ideas have to be incubated. This usually involves teaching and passing on of knowledge. If the teachers do not do this, the seed does not flourish. There is one pada to be careful about as Revati can debilitate Jupiter.
Venus is exalted. It provides the semen, the ideas, the seed for future development. Pushan, as the deity of the marriage ceremony, encourages people to find the right marriage that will keep their next generation alive. Marriage, children, ideas, future generations are all ensured by Venus placed here.
Saturn can be wise and give the ability to face pain and deal with the transformations. Two padas of Revati are ruled by Saturn, so it still has a role to play. Pay the last debts to society and do what is right, so that it can flow with the river of creation. Saturn deals with death and old age – a part of Revati’s remit.
Rahu Ketu begin their journey from Revati as they retrograded out of Aries into Pisces. They face the transformational power of Revati. The turbulence and deep secret wisdom make both Rahu Ketu confused. Rahu works to understand the spiritual aspect of Revati and like the demon Hayagriva it wants all the knowledge without truly understanding. These people need to know that they have many lessons to learn before the true knowledge opens up to them. Ketu people carry all this profound wisdom yet they do not know how to fully express it. They may reject their wisdom but understanding the gift of past lives and using their intuitive knowledge will help them find themselves.
Padas in Revati: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Padas在Revati: 射手座,摩羯座,水瓶座,双鱼座
The last pada of Revati is vargottama. No pushkara or ashtamamsha. Rahu Ketu retrograde back and begin the journey in Revati – coming into deep spirituality where they have no understanding.
Vargottama: when a planet is in the same sign in both Rashi and navamsha chart
Vargottama: 当一颗行星在Rashi图和navamsha图中处于同一星座
Pushkara: refers to special navamsha and degrees that are auspicious
Pushkara: 指的是特殊的navamsha和度数,是吉祥的
Ashtamamsha: when planets in Rashi chart move into the 8th sign from themsleves in the navamsha/pada
Ashtamamsha: 当行星在Rashi图中移动到它们在navamsha/pada中的第8个星座
16°40′ to 20°00′ Pisces – Sagittarius pada
16°40′ 到 20°00′ 双鱼座 - 射手座pada
The 1stpada of Revati and 6th navamsha of Pisces is Sagittarius. These are the last steps to be totally one with the spiritual connection. It is great for Jupiter which is in its own sign and own pada. The wisdom is deep, the teaching great, the knowledge is passed on so that others can benefit. No planet is exalted or debilitated. All have a strong message and are involved in a spiritual journey.
Revati pada 1和双鱼座的第6个navamsha是射手座。这些是与精神连接完全一致的最后步骤。这对木星来说是好的,因为它在自己的星座和pada。智慧是深刻的,教育是伟大的,知识是传递下去的,这样别人就能受益。没有一颗行星是擢升的或落陷的。所有这些都有一个强烈的信息,并涉及到精神之旅。
20°00′ to 23°20′ Pisces – Capricorn pada
20°00′ 到 23°20′ 双鱼座 - 摩羯座pada
The 2ndpada of Revati and 7th navamsha of Pisces is Capricorn. Mars is exalted and Jupiter debilitated. There is a residue of practical karma to be faced before the soul can be immersed completely in spirituality.
Revati pada 2和双鱼座的第7个navamsha是摩羯座。火星擢升,木星落陷。在灵魂能够完全沉浸在灵性之中之前,还有实际业力的残留要面对。
Mars goes from its friend’s house to being exalted. This is an extremely powerful position of Mars to make spiritual changes. It will fight for the right causes, try to make a good way of life. It will structure its life to achieve its divine goals.
Jupiter goes from strong in rashi to weak in debilitated pada. Jupiter in Pisces people are rooted in its deep spiritual practices; Capricorn is a practical sign. It usually wants to quantify and put a price to everything. This can make a person spiritual from above and calculating within. They should not try to hide their practical nature as hiding it only gives them a bad name.
23°20′ to 26°40′ Pisces – Aquarius pada
23°20′ 到 26°40′ 双鱼座 - 水瓶座pada
The 3rdpada of Revati and 8th navamsha of Pisces is Aquarius. No planet is exalted or debilitated. All planets will be thinking of others, trying to complete their worldly responsibilities. Aquarius is an air sign and can create storms within the Pisces ocean and make for confusion and turbulent emotions.
Revati pada 3和双鱼座的第8个navamsha是水瓶座。没有一颗行星是擢升的或落陷的。所有的星体都会想到其他,试图完成他们的世俗责任。水瓶座是风象星座,可以在双鱼座海洋内制造风暴,造成混乱和动荡的情绪。
26°40′ to 30°00′ Pisces – Pisces pada
26°40′ 到 30°00′ 双鱼座 - 双鱼座pada
The 4th pada of Revati and 9th navamsha of Pisces is the vargottama Pisces. The last 48’ of this pada is gandanta. This is the final ending of the sign, nakshatra and navamsha/pada. All planets here give potential for pushing the soul to the next level of its development. Planets according to their karakas can bring pain to your life usually to enlighten and bring awareness of another facet of your subtle personality.
Revati pada 4和双鱼座的第9个navamsha是双鱼的vargottama。这个pada的最后48’是gandanta。这是符号的最后结尾,nakshatra和navamsha/pada。这里的所有行星都提供了将灵魂推向下一个发展阶段的潜力。行星根据它们的karaka可以给你的生活带来痛苦,通常是为了启发和带来你微妙个性的另一个方面的意识。
Venus is exalted and Mercury debilitated. Rahu Ketu come into Revati as their first sign so the move is into the ocean of knowledge where they want everything but may not understand their profound gifts.
金星擢升,水星落陷。Rahu Ketu进入Revati是他们的第一个迹象,所以他们进入了知识的海洋,在那里他们想要一切,但可能不理解他们深刻的天赋。
Mercury is debilitated by rashi and pada. The old rules do not work, the mind has to expand and reach for new horizons. These people do not know how to think practically. The vargottama says that it is right for the mind to be so unconcerned. They will be happy in their spiritual role but not so good at practical matters or making decisions.
Venus is exalted, its exaltation degree is 27° Pisces and it is vargottama. Venus as the significator of semen and new life force, sows the seed for a new generation, sowing ideas in the fertility of Pisces to flourish another day, another lifetime. The purity of Venus is emphasized. Venus is exalted and beautiful. This position should give very good relationships. These individuals can be undermined by extreme idealism just like Revati in the myth. Gandanta Venus will create difficulties in relationships.
Rahu finds the spiritual turmoil fascinating as it begins a new cycle of development. It will want to embrace everything but does not always want to understand the deeper meaning behind the spirituality of this pada. Ketu knows everything but it is cut off and hidden. It can feel insecure if it does not take refuge in its own intuition and trusts its inner voice.
Planets in Pisces Gandanta – 29°12 to 30°00 Pisces
行星在双鱼座Gandanta - 29°12 至 30°00双鱼座
The end of Pisces isgandanta, the karmic knot where most of the toxins and poisons are collected. Pisces is the last sign and nakshatra, therefore crossing this gandanta is very complex. People with planets placed here are unable to move forward and are stuck in either personal weaknesses or lack of support from family or circumstances that do not allow them to complete this journey.
All planets placed in gandanta will be troubled according to their karaka and house rulerships. It is a complex situation and suffering can come with gandanta. The karmic knowledge is extremely difficult to unravel as this junction ends a complete cycle of soul growth and the planet stuck in a gandanta is not able to move forward. It is important to accept the position and forgive the experiences that have come with this position. Only then can the soul be privy to great secret knowledge.
- Part Ⅴ -
