选自Essentials of Vedic Astrology
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印占资料分享 - 第三宫基础Third House
印占资料分享 - 浅析第二宫星座(白羊座-双鱼座)
印占资料分享 - 上升星座(白羊座-处女座)
印占资料分享 - 上升星座(天秤座-双鱼座)
印占资料分享 - 上升双子Gemini Lagna
印占资料分享 - 上升金牛Taurus Lagna
印占资料分享 - 上升白羊Aries Lagna

- Aries - ruled by Mars, which also rules the tenth
- 白羊座——由火星掌管,也掌管第十宫
Aries in the third house shows a person who enjoys challengesand adventure. There can be many new beginnings in life.Mars is the natural significator of brothers and courage, so any aspects to it would also have an effect these two issues. A strong Mars as the ruler of the tenth house as well, gives good motivation with the ability to focus your energies in the direction of career. A weak or debilitated Mars would create lack of confidence and varying success with your career due to your own actions or lack of them.
- Taurus - ruled by Venus, which also rules the eighth
- 金牛座-由金星掌管,金星也掌管第八宫
Taurus in the third indicates attachment to the everyday material pleasures of life and the risk of being too easy going.It also suggests that you can be very creative and generous. Venus here rules both the houses of longevity (third and eighth), so its condition in the chart is also a double significator of life.
- Gemini- ruled by Mercury, which also rules the sixth
- 双子座-由水星控制,水星也控制第六宫
With Gemini ruling the third house you have a natural ability to communicate. Mercury also rules the sixth house of service, obstacles, health and healing, so your focus is very much toward:working for the good of others. Gemini is about mental agility and your work should be connected with your abilities. As Gemini is a mutable sign it can cause you to think constantly about changing direction of life and thus feel unable to settle for one goal.
- Cancer - ruled by the Moon
- 巨蟹座-由月亮掌管
In this house the Moon brings a changeable, emotional quality to any decisions.The Moon also understands the deep spiritual aspects of the hidden areas of life as it is the lord of the night and sleep. You can seek the physical pleasures of life at the same time as understanding its esoteric mysteries.
- Leo - ruled by the Sun
- 狮子座-由太阳控制
Leo in the third house represents the ability to command others.This is a warrior who is aroval leader as well. which in turn indicates isolation of some sort as the Sun, or Leo's mission, has to bone of loneliness.Through your actions you can motivate othersand give them courage and confidence - but they will always know that there is a difference between you. Leo here indicates knowledge of a special mission in life.
- Virgo - ruled by Mercury which also rules the twelfth
- 处女座-由水星控制,水星也控制第十二宫
Virgo in this house indicates actions and involvement in the material aspect of life. The goals to achieve are all material but at the same time there is a dissatisfaction about them as you know instinctively that the soul is enmeshed in the material sheath.Mercury rules the twelfth house as well, so there is need to act selflessly if you want to achieve happiness.
- Libra - ruled by Venus, which also rules the tenth
- 天秤座——由金星掌管,金星也掌管第十宫
Libra ruling the third house indicates that there is a need to keep a balance between a totally materialistic approach to life and a spiritual one. This indicates a soul hidden within layers of material impulses. Venus ruling the third and tenth houses shows you can succeed in a creative field. You can also create problems for yourself through impulsive actions.
- Scorpio - ruled by Mars, which also rules the eighth
- 天蝎座——由火星掌管,火星也掌管第八宫
There is never any balance as far is Scorpio is concerned - it is either positive or negative and there is tension between the opposing polarities.The third house is concerned with action and the position of the ascendant ruler indicates exactly how the Scorpio energy will manifest. Mars has the potential here to create problems as it rules both the third and the eighth houses.The Rahu Ketu chapter goes into this in more depth.
- Sagittarius - ruled by Jupiter, which also rules the sixth
- 射手座——由木星掌管,木星也掌管第六宫
Jupiter is known as the most benefic planet in the zodiac but placed here means it rules the two negative houses for a Libra ascendant(3 and 6) and it will create problems.Jupiter's natural inclination is to teach and spread knowledge with no obviousneed for reward and Libra represents the material world; you can see there will be conflict. Your siblings may be more spiritually inclined and you may find it hard to understand their motivation.
- Capricorn - ruled by Saturn, which also rules the fourth
- 摩羯座——由土星掌管,土星也掌管第四宫
Capricorn in the third house indicates responsibility and duty your main concerns as far as your motivation is concerned.You need to have a strong practical basis to your life; in fact youwould be very happy creating a real estate empire.Property and financial security are important to you but only so that you can look after others. The relationship with the siblings or your friends can be distant. You feel somewhat resentful of Saturn's restrictions in this house.
- Aquarius - ruled by Saturn, which also rules the second
- 水瓶座-由土星掌管,土星也掌管第二宫
Aquarius in the third house indicates that Saturn rules the second house as well.The fashioning of your early years through Saturn's restrictions were not necessarily good for you. It shows that your childhood(second) and teenage years (third) were both under the shadow of Saturn, which is of course the planet of old age. Responsibilities were thrust upon you at an early age when you may not have had any say in the matter. There is much deliberation before you take any action. Aquarius in this house shows a person who is not much interested in the material realities of life.
- Pisces - ruled by Jupiter, which also rules the twelfth
- 双鱼座-由木星掌管,也掌管第十二宫
Pisces in the third wants to merge with the eternal, which of course is in direct conflict with the Capricorn ascendant and its ruler(Saturn).Capricorn's brief is to experience karma, while Pisces, as ruler of the third house (of action) and twelfth (of enlightenment) is concerned with letting go rather than experiencing life. Jupiter rules the negative third and twelfth houses and will create problems wherever it is placed.