选自Essentials of Vedic Astrology
自从1月底出了火星的Pratyantar dasha(节运/三限),进入北交点Pratyantar dasha之后,整个人就开始“不务正业”。
简单和大家聊一聊我“理智出走”的北交点Pratyantar dasha,思维跳脱到令人发指,包括且不限于我建了学习群(这还是在忍住不切实际的“看盘”群,特指复盘名人盘的想法优化2.0版本),本以为会交流不断,结果变成了资料群,囧囧rz…

以及看到Bhrighu Chakra Paddhati和之前看到的运势贴这种"奇技淫巧",着实是被这种不太正统,更偏金星(Sukra的爹就是婆力古Bhrigu,关于金星的神话故事请参考这篇:金星仙子?不好意思是仙人)的技法所吸引,非常的想练手。不过好在我又忍住了这种冲动,我的老雷提醒我时机并未成熟,果然我这周就开始更加忙碌了~
印占资料分享 - 第五宫基础Fifth House
印占资料分享 - 浅析第四宫星座(白羊座-双鱼座)
印占资料分享 - 浅析第三宫星座(白羊座-双鱼座)
印占资料分享 - 浅析第二宫星座(白羊座-双鱼座)
印占资料分享 - 上升星座(白羊座-处女座)
印占资料分享 - 上升星座(天秤座-双鱼座)
印占资料分享 - 上升狮子Leo Lagna
印占资料分享 - 上升巨蟹Cancer Lagna
印占资料分享 - 上升双子Gemini Lagna
印占资料分享 - 上升金牛Taurus Lagna
印占资料分享 - 上升白羊Aries Lagna

- Aries - ruled by Mars, which also rules the twelfth house
- 白羊座- 由火星掌管,也掌管第十二宫
Aries in the fifth house indicates somebody with an interest in sports. There is also an intellectual restlessness that needs new horizons to keep it satisfied; this can lead to you taking risks just for new experiences. Aries, being a male sign ruling the house of children, indicates the ability to have sons. It is also an active way of expressing your creativity.
If Mars is in the seventh house this can make a person very sensuous and romantic: the fifth house is romance, the seventh relationships and twelfth house is pleasures of the bed.
- Taurus - ruled by Venus, which also rules the tenth house
- 金牛座 - 由金星掌管,金星也掌管着第十宫
Taurus ruling the fifth house makes Venus a very powerful planet as it rules the tenth as well. Venus becomes a Raja yogakaraka for Capricorn ascendants and therefore has the ability to grant success, money and power. Any negative aspects to Venus can, however, create problems. Advisory powers and the ability to use them for your career are indicated.
金牛座掌管第五宫使金星成为一个非常强大的行星,因为它也掌管第十宫。金星是上升摩羯座的Raja yogakaraka,因此有能力授予成功、金钱和权力。然而,金星的任何负面影响都会带来问题。咨询权和在你的职业生涯中使用它们的能力是暗示的。
Taurus being a feminine sign in the house of children and procreation, will indicate daughters.
- Gemini - ruled by Mercury, which also rules the eighth
- 双子座 - 由水星掌管,水星也掌管着第八宫
Mercury rules both the auspicious fifth and the negative eighth houses, so is not necessarily always good. As Mercury is an asexual planet there can be difficulty producing children. The fifth house deals with intellect and as Gemini is the sign where the intellect is born, it can show a person who is both intellectual and well-informed.
- Cancer - ruled by the Moon
- 巨蟹座 - 由月亮掌管
Cancer ruling the fifth house shows a person who has a retentive memory and the ability to absorb details. The desire for children and on a non-physical level, the need to leave an imprint of your thoughts and ideas behind for others will be a priority. A strong waxing Moon is desirable and the further it is away from the Sun the better. The Moon is a reflection of the eternal soul, the Sun; in this house it is ideal for expressing the way to use positive karma.
- Leo - ruled by the Sun
- 狮子座 - 由太阳掌控
Leo in the fifth house connects one to the eternal aspect of life. There can be health problems, the heart especially being affected if the Sun is aspected by Rahu, or if the Sun or the fifth house are under malefic aspects. If Sun itself is placed in the fifth house you can be sure that any creativity will be expressed in a very individual way. Leo in this house also indicates successful sportsmen and actors.
- Virgo - ruled by Mercury, which also rules the second
- 处女座 - 由水星掌控,水星也掌控着第二宫
Virgo ruling the fifth indicates the birth of daughters. It also suggests someone who is very intellectual but doesn't make a fuss about their abilities. Mercury rules the second house of potential and the fifth house of creativity - which can produce a good writer, orator, singer or actor. On the negative side, malefic aspects to Mercury would create problems with children as well as difficulty with speech and self-expression.
- Libra - ruled by Venus, which also rules the twelfth
- 天秤座——由金星掌管,金星也掌管第十二宫
Venus can give very similar energy to Aries in terms of sexual energy. It rules both the fifth and twelfth houses, and if it is placed in the seventh house, personal relationships and romance will be of great importance; this is considered a good placement for family life and producing children. Libra is about communication and sound judgement, which results in a very creative nature when it is placed in the fifth house - others will come to you for wisdom and advice. Venus rules refinement: music, acting and drama so a strong Venus would highlight these abilities.
就性能量而言,金星和白羊座非常相似的能量。它掌管第五宫和第十二宫,如果在第七宫,个人关系和浪漫将是非常重要的;这被认为是家庭生活和生育孩子的好位置。天秤座是关于沟通和正确的判断,当它在第五宫时,这将导致非常有创造性的性质 - 其他人将向你寻求智慧和建议。金星掌管精致:音乐、表演和戏剧,所以强势的金星会突出这些能力。
- Scorpio - ruled by Mars, which also rules the tenth
- 天蝎座 - 由火星掌管,也掌管第十宫
A raja yogakaraka is created here for the Cancer ascendant as Mars rules both the fifth and the tenth houses. Mars alone can bring success, wealth and happiness. Here even a debilitated Mars will give good results as it will be placed in a trikona ninth house. An exalted or over-strong Mars would create a dominating personality. Generally Scorpio in the fifth is connected with good karma; you are benefiting from the trials of a previous life where you made wise decisions.
由于火星同时掌管第五宫和第十宫,上升巨蟹座的raja yogakaraka在这里被创造。单单火星就能带来成功、财富和幸福。在这里,即使是落陷的火星也会带来好的结果,因为它在三方宫的第九宫。一个擢升或过于强大的火星将创造一个支配性的人格。一般说来,第五宫的天蝎座与善业有关;你从前世的试炼中受益,在试炼中你做出了明智的决定。
- Sagittarius - ruled by Jupiter, which also rules the eighth
- 射手座 - 由木星掌管,木星也掌管着第八宫
Sagittarius here shows a person who is very interested in sports and has the ability to bea good athlete. In this house Sagittarius signifies sons, but if there are malefic aspects to Jupiter there can be problems with children. Your karma will be best expressed if you fulfil the goals you have set yourself; this is likely to be in using your ability to give others the benefit of your knowledge and intellect. Higher education and teaching is indicated here.
- Capricorn - ruled by Saturn, which also rules the sixth
- 摩羯座 - 由土星掌管,土星也掌管着第六宫
Saturn here rules the lucky fifth house as well as the difficult sixth, so it could create obstacles in your path and problems with children. There will be a Virgo ascendant if Capricorn rules the fifth house, which shows that self-expression has to be connected with being of service to others. Recognising the karmic difficulties as well as the opportunities will help you to fulfil this dual role.
- Aquarius - ruled by Saturn, which also rules the fourth
- 水瓶座 - 由土星掌管,土星也掌管着第四宫
Here Saturn rules both the fourth and fifth houses so becomes a raja yogakaraka for Libra ascendants. Saturn has an extra-special part to perform here. It can give a good life where all desires will be granted. Aquarius here shows a responsibility to others. You will not be looking for shallow ways of expressing your creativity or your karma. It usually causes some restriction with children; they are not necessarily your best audience.
土星同时掌管第四宫和第五宫,因此土星是上升天秤座的raja yogakaraka。土星在这里有一个特别的部分。它能给你一个美好的生活,所有的愿望都能得到满足。水瓶座表现出对他人的责任感。你不会寻找肤浅的方式来表达你的创造力或你的业力。它通常会对孩子造成一些限制;他们不一定是你最好的听众。
- Pisces - ruled by Jupiter, which also rules the second
- 双鱼座 - 由木星掌管,木星也掌管着第二宫
Pisces ruling the fifth house shows an intellect which is deep and profound. Here the Scorpio ascendant needs to be noted as there is sometimes the temptation to misuse intellect but there is never any doubt that you are indeed knowledgeable. You carry within yourself the experience of past lives which can be fluently expressed. You subtly recognise your restrictions and can enhance your creativity within these limits. Jupiter here also rules the second house of wealth and if strong it can give a lot of wealth specially if it is in contact with the fourth-house ruler, Saturn.